Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tree 1

When it comes to restrooms, this one is absolutely sub-par. This restroom's features are far and few between. Other than that, there is not much to say about this restroom. Due to this lack of base information, I shall just jump to the rating for this restroom review.
If I were to rate this restroom hygienic features, it would, on the Roush's Restroom Rating scale of course, receive a 0/10. The poor quality of the features is not to blame, but a lack of therein. There are absolutely no features in this restroom, excluding the hygienic features inside the house that this restroom stands before. After using this restroom, one is left feeling extremely filthy and in dire need of some sort of cleaning. However, the lack of hygienic features is not necessarily representative of the quality of the restroom overall.
There is one redeeming feature to this restroom, and that is the privacy and level of personalization. This restroom, after using, begins to belong to the user and the user alone. After fighting off a pack of neighborhood dogs, one would be proud to brag to their groups of friends that this tree belongs to them. For this reason, The restroom shall receive an overall rating of 0/10. I fervently hope, for the sake of this very tree, that the home that this tree is tethered to very seriously considers mounting a sink and a high quality hand drier to this tree. Before ending this review I would like to remind you to STAY AWAY FROM MY TREE!

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