Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Holy Place

I have encountered many a restroom. I have also encountered many a church, but none of them have a restroom as comforting as the one found here. As you may already know, this restroom is located in a church, possibly atop a hill in Northwest Indiana.
The hygienic features of this restroom are quite standard. It includes a sink, a method of drying one's hands, a mirror, and the almighty, everpresent hand soap. One may notice, upon entering the aforementioned restroom that there is no electric hand dryers. The lack of these put the restroom behind the times in which it exists. However, one might also argue that electric hand dryers are inefficient and are not really benefiting the environment, due to the electricity needed to power them. For meeting the standards, but not going beyond, earns this restroom a score of 7/10.
What is really going to redeem this restroom is the quality of the toilets themselves, and the overall feeling of the restroom. This restroom feels quaint and safe, much like your restroom at home, except this one is going to be far more cleanly. This is because, unlike your family, the "staff", for a lack of a better word, is devoted to keeping this restroom nice and shiny. You know what they say,"Cleanliness is next to godliness". This brings us to our next point. This restroom is again, located in a church. It is comforting to know that finally, I can defecate in peace, without interruptions from that notorious Satan. He never has any good bits of conversation anyway. For the cleanliness and general "down home feelin'," this restroom receives an overall score of 8/10 on the Roush's Restroom Rating scale.
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