Friday, October 29, 2010

Hello, and welcome to The Men's Room. I am here to save all citizens from poor bathrooms by traveling the world to review its bathroom. In all review, i shall use a scale of 1 to 10 called Roush's Restroom Rating. I shall rate the feature and then the restroom overall, starting with this one.
This is a restroom in a high school in northwest Indiana, that shall remain unnamed. From the pictures you can see that it is a standard restroom, with many of the amenities that you would see anywhere else in these United States of America; urinals, stalls, sinks, mirrors, and hygienic equipment can be found in various spots in this restroom.
I shall give the hygienic equipment a Roush's Restroom Rating of 8/10. They are standard, but not impressive. Also, due to the patrons that this restroom attracts, the sinks can often be found filled with unrecognizable bodily fluids, or even gum that is, to put it as pleasantly as possible, "pre-owned".
The toilets shall receive a Roush's Restroom Rating of 4/10. They appear clean and the stall have a minimal amount of graffiti. However, the children these days are so sexually promiscuous and hopped up on the reefer and cocaine that, even though these appear clean, they maintain a certain amount of suspicion, when it comes to cleanliness.
The restroom receives an overall rating of 6/10. This restroom appears clean, but seems to fill one, upon viewing said restroom, with thoughts of suspicion regarding its cleanliness on a microscopic level. This restroom is standard, but if one had the option of choosing other restrooms, they would not choose this one. However, if someone was in a pinch or had no other option, they would not mind terribly using it.

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